Our Lady of Paradise, pray for us,
That we may live in the grace of God
And receive the graces necessary to persevere
On the path of faith, hope and love.
Day 1:
O Our Lady of Paradise, Queen of Heaven, we turn to you with humble devotion. Intercede for us with your Son, that we may one day share in the eternal joy of Paradise.
Day 2:
Faith: Virgin Mary, strengthen our faith in these uncertain times. Help us to believe firmly in the promise of Paradise and to live each day in the hope of eternal life.
Day 3:
Trust: Our Lady of Paradise, we entrust our fears and doubts to you. Increase our confidence in God's mercy and help us to abandon our burdens into His loving hands.
Day 4:
Grace: O Mother of Grace, obtain for us the grace to live in divine grace, avoiding sin and constantly seeking to grow in holiness.
Day 5:
Purity: Immaculate Virgin, help us to purify our hearts and minds of everything that leads us away from God. Grant us the grace to live a pure and virtuous life.
Day 6:
Charity: Our Lady of Paradise, inspire us to practise charity towards our neighbour with a generous heart. Help us to recognise the face of Christ in every person we meet.
Day 7:
Patience: O patient Mother, teach us patience in the trials and tribulations of life. Help us to accept God's will with a docile and peaceful heart.
Day 8:
Perseverance: Our Lady of Paradise, strengthen our perseverance in the faith. Help us to remain faithful to God despite the obstacles and temptations that may come our way.
Day 9:
The Intercession of Our Lady of Paradise: O Glorious Virgin Mary, you who intercede for the needs of those who invoke you, pray for us. Ask your Son to grant us the graces we need to journey faithfully towards Heaven.