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Novena prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes, Virgin of Miracles

article published on 13/11/2024 in the category : Our Lady of Lourdes

Dear Our Lady of Lourdes, you who appeared to Saint Bernadette to bring healing and comfort, we turn to you with faith and devotion. During this novena, we pray to you with confidence, knowing that you intercede for us with your Son, Jesus Christ. We entrust our intentions and our needs to you, hoping that you will assist us with your maternal grace.

Day 1: The Grace of Faith

Holy Mary, Mother of God, you who asked Bernadette to dig in the earth to find the spring of water, teach us to dig deep into our faith. Help us to understand that faith is a priceless treasure and to always nourish it in our hearts.

Day 2: Conversion

Virgin Mary, you who asked Bernadette to pray for the conversion of sinners, intercede for us. Grant us the grace of conversion, repentance, and divine mercy.

Day 3: Healing

Our Lady of Lourdes, you who brought so many physical and spiritual cures, we pray to you for our own healing. May our physical ailments be relieved, and may our souls be healed of all affliction.

Day 4: Hope

Our Blessed Mother, you who promised Bernadette happiness in the next life, help us to keep hope in all circumstances. Show us that, despite the difficulties, a better future awaits us in God's grace.

Day 5: Trust in God

Virgin Mary, you who told Bernadette "I am the Immaculate Conception," reminding us of God's power, help us to have complete trust in divine providence and God's goodness.

Day 6: Penance and Prayer

Our Lady of Lourdes, you who asked for acts of penance and prayer, we ask you to give us the strength to live a life of repentance and devotion. Help us to grow closer to God each day.

Day 7: Charity

Saint Mary, Mother of Charity, help us to love our brothers and sisters as Jesus taught us. Inspire us to share our blessings with those in need and to be instruments of peace and love.

Day 8: World Peace

Virgin Mary, you who prayed for world peace, intercede for peace and reconciliation between nations. May God's peace reign in our hearts and throughout the world.

Day 9: Maternal Intercession

Our Lady of Lourdes, tender and loving Mother, we entrust to you all our special intentions, our worries and our sorrows. Please present them to your Son, Jesus Christ, that he may grant them according to his will.

Final Prayer:

Our Lady of Lourdes, we thank you for your maternal intercession during this novena. May your grace continue to accompany us in our lives, and may we always find in you a model of faith, love, and devotion to God. Amen.

Don't forget to adapt this novena to suit your own personal intentions and needs. May the Virgin Mary bless you and accompany you on your journey of faith.

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