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Religious items from the sanctuary of Lourdes.

Life of the Saints


Life of Saint Andrew, Saint of fishermen

St Andrew, brother of Simon Peter, was one of Jesus' first disciples and one of the twelve apostles. Born in Bethsaida in Galilee, he was a fisherman by trade before responding to Christ's call. Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist when he first met Jesus. After hearing John's teaching about the Lamb of God, he was deeply moved and decided to follow Jesus. Read more...

Life of Saint Peregrine, patron saint of the sick

Saint Peregrine Laziosi was a 14th-century Catholic saint recognised as the patron saint of people with cancer, incurable diseases, and desperate situations. Born in Forlì, Italy, in 1265, Peregrine led a tumultuous youth marked by religious indifference and hostility towards the Church. Read more...

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