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Our Lady of Sorrows, the suffering Virgin Mary

article published on 11/12/2024 in the category : Life of the Saints

Our Lady of Sorrows, also known as Mater Dolorosa, is a venerated figure in Christian tradition, representing the Virgin Mary as a suffering mother. Her cult dates back several centuries and has its roots in Catholic devotion. The title "Our Lady of Seven Sorrows" refers to the seven moments of intense pain that Mary is said to have experienced throughout her life, according to religious tradition.

Mary's first sorrow is often associated with Simeon's prophecy at the time of Jesus' presentation in the Temple. Simeon had predicted that his heart would be pierced by a sword. The second pain is linked to the Holy Family's flight to Egypt to escape Herod's persecution. The third pain is the momentary loss of Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem at the age of twelve.

The following pains are closely linked to the events surrounding the Passion of Christ. The fourth pain is Mary's encounter with Jesus on the way to the Cross. The fifth pain is the crucifixion and death of Jesus on the cross. The sixth is the descent of Jesus from the cross and his placement in his mother's arms. The seventh and final pain is the burial of Jesus.

These seven pains symbolise Mary's deep compassion and suffering as a mother in the face of the trials and death of her beloved son. Devotion to Our Lady of Seven Sorrows is often celebrated through specific prayers, novenas and artistic representations that capture the pain and compassion of the Virgin Mary.

The faithful invoke Our Lady of Seven Sorrows in their moments of sorrow, grief and difficulty, seeking maternal protection and consolation. Many churches around the world have chapels dedicated to this devotion, and special feasts are celebrated to honour Our Lady of Seven Sorrows, recalling the deep significance of suffering and compassion in the Christian faith.

Reflecting on Mary's life, believers find inspiration and comfort in her ability to persevere through the pains of life. Devotion to Our Lady of Seven Sorrows is a powerful reminder of the spiritual strength that can be found in faith and maternal love, even in the midst of the most difficult trials.

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