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Novena prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows

article published on 17/02/2025 in the category : Prayer

Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, ,we entrust to you our sorrows, our sufferings and our hopes.Intercede for us with your Son and help us to live each day with faith, hope and love. Amen.

First day: 

Simeon's Prophecy: Virgin Mary, on this first day of our novena, we contemplate the pain in your heart when Simeon prophesied that your soul would be pierced. Help us to accept the crosses of our lives with the same faith and trust as you.

Day Two:

The Flight into Egypt: Tender Mother, you had to flee with your child to protect him. Teach us to be vigilant and to seek refuge in God's arms during times of danger and uncertainty.

Third day: 

The Loss of Jesus in the Temple: Mary, you felt the anguish of losing Jesus. Guide us when we are lost and help us to find our way back to your Son and to the truth.

Fourth day: 

The Meeting on the Way to Calvary: Sorrowful Virgin, you met Jesus on the way to his crucifixion. Help us to recognise Jesus' presence in our suffering and to carry our cross with courage and determination.

Fifth day:

The Crucifixion: Mary, you were present at the foot of your Son's cross. Teach us to remain steadfast in our faith, even in the most painful moments of our lives.

Sixth day: 

The Death of Jesus: afflicted Mother, you shared the agony of your Son's death. Console us in our grief and loss, and help us to find peace in God.

Seventh day:

The Descent from the Cross: Compassionate Virgin, you received the lifeless body of Jesus in your arms. Help us to embrace death to our sins and worldly attachments to live in God's grace.

Eighth day:

The Burial: Mary, you watched over Jesus' body in the tomb with love. Strengthen us in our hope in the resurrection and in eternal life.

Ninth day:

The Resurrection: joyful Mother, you witnessed the glorious resurrection of your Son. Guide us into the light of the resurrection, so that we may live as children of God, forgiven and redeemed.

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