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Novena prayer to Our Lady of Deliverance

article published on 14/11/2024 in the category : Prayer

A novena is a series of nine prayers recited over nine consecutive days to ask for a specific grace from Our Lady of Deliverance. You can personalise these prayers by adding your own intentions and meditating on the aspects of deliverance you desire.

Day 1: Trust in Our Lady of Deliverance

O Our Lady of Deliverance,

I come to you with confidence,

To ask you to deliver my heart

From the burdens that weigh it down.

Please intercede for me

To your son Jesus,

And help me to find inner peace.

I pray to you, Our Lady of Deliverance,

To hear this intention that I carry within me

[Present your intention here].

Day 2: The protection of Our Lady of Deliverance

O Our Lady of Deliverance,

You are our protector and guide,

We entrust our lives and our fears to you.

Watch over us, your children,

And protect us from physical and spiritual dangers.

We pray to you, O compassionate Mother,

To hear this intention we carry within us

[Present your intention here].

Day 3: The grace of inner liberation

O Our Lady of Deliverance,

Pray that we may be set free

From the chains of pride, anger and greed.

Help us to find inner freedom

And to live in the grace of your son Jesus.

We pray you, O Mother of Mercy,

To hear this intention we carry within us

[Present your intention here].

Day 4: The deliverance of our families

O Our Lady of Deliverance,

We entrust our families to you,

Help us to guide them on the path of faith.

Protect us from divisions and conflicts,

And unite us in God's love.

We pray to you, O loving Mother,

To hear this intention we carry within us

[Present your intention here].

Day 5: Healing the sick

Oh Our Lady of Deliverance,

We pray to you for all who are sick,

Physically, emotionally or spiritually.

Bring them healing and comfort,

And give them strength to bear their suffering.

We pray to you, O Compassionate Mother,

To hear this intention we carry within us

[Present your intention here].

Day 6: Deliverance of departed souls

O Our Lady of Deliverance,

We entrust to you the souls of our departed,

Pray that they may be delivered from the chains of sin

And receive eternal peace.

Help us to remember those who have departed

With gratitude and hope in the resurrection.

We pray to you, O Mother of compassion,

To hear this intention we carry within us

[Present your intention here].

Day 7: Deliverance of the oppressed

Oh Our Lady of Deliverance,

We pray to you for all who are oppressed

By injustice, poverty and violence.

Intercede on their behalf

And help us to be instruments of peace and justice.

We pray to you, O Mother full of grace,

To hear this intention we carry within us

[Present your intention here].

Day 8: Deliverance from Addictions

O Our Lady of Deliverance,

We pray to you for all who struggle with addictions,

Whether to alcohol, drugs, or other ills.

Come to their aid, O merciful Mother,

And grant them the strength to overcome their struggles.

We pray to you, O Mother of Comfort,

To hear this intention we carry within us

[Present your intention here].

Day 9: Gratitude to Our Lady of Deliverance

O Our Lady of Deliverance,

We thank you for your unconditional love,

For your intercession and protection.

Help us to live each day with gratitude

For the graces you grant us.

We pray you, O Benevolent Mother,

To hear this intention we carry within us

[Present your intention here].

Our Lady of Deliverance, we entrust our prayers and intentions to you. Please intercede for us with your son, Jesus, and help us to find spiritual deliverance and inner peace. Amen.

Don't forget to add your own specific intentions to each day of the novena to personalise your prayers according to your particular needs and concerns.

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