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A Beautiful Novena Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes

article published on 04/02/2025 in the category : Our Lady of Lourdes

May this novena to Our Lady of Lourdes strengthen your faith, hope and charity, leading you along the path of holiness and union with God. Amen.

First day:

Theme: Faith

Prayer: Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes, increase our faith in your Son Jesus Christ. Help us to believe firmly in His presence and His love for us, even in times of doubt and difficulty.

Second day:

Theme: Hope

Prayer: Mother of Hope, strengthen our hope in eternal life. Inspire in us the hope that sustains us in trials and guides us to the joy of Heaven.

Third day:

Theme: Charity

Prayer: Virgin Mary, teach us to love as you have loved. Guide us towards authentic charity, attentive to the needs of our brothers and sisters, especially the most vulnerable.

Fourth day:

Theme: Healing

Prayer: Our Lady of Lourdes, source of healing, intercede for all who suffer in body, mind or soul. Bring them the relief and peace they seek.

Fifth day:

Theme: Conversion

Prayer: Mother of Mercy, help us to be converted, to turn from sin and turn to God with a contrite heart open to His grace.

Sixth day:

Theme: Protection

Prayer: Virgin Mary, protect us from spiritual and physical dangers. Surround us with your maternal tenderness and keep us under your protective mantle.

Seventh day:

Theme: Peace

Prayer: Queen of Peace, bring peace to our hearts, to our families and to the whole world. May the peace of Christ reign in our lives and unite us in brotherhood.

Eighth day:

Theme: Conversion of sinners

Prayer: Mother of the Saviour, intercede for the conversion of sinners. Open their hearts to God's mercy and guide them on the path of conversion and salvation.

Ninth day:

Theme: Final Grace

Prayer: Virgin Mary, at the hour of our death, obtain for us the grace to accept God's mercy and to enter into the eternal joy of Heaven, where we may praise and love you with all the saints.

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