Almighty Lord, in your infinite mercy, we invoke your sacred name for protection and deliverance from the attacks of the devil. In the midst of the darkness of this world, we seek refuge in you, source of light and truth.
We acknowledge, O God, that the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour our souls. But we believe in your supreme power, which is greater than all the forces of darkness combined. Strengthen us, O Lord, that we may stand firm against his assaults and repel his attacks with the strength of your grace.
In the name of Jesus Christ, your beloved Son, we reject all authority and influence of the evil one over our lives. May the precious blood shed by Jesus on the cross be our shield and bulwark against the machinations of evil. May his glorious resurrection be our victory over sin and death.
Saint Michael the Archangel, heavenly defender, we beseech you to intervene on our behalf in the spiritual battle against the powers of darkness. May your flaming sword drive out demons and purify our space of all evil presence. Protect us under your powerful wings and guide us on the path of holiness.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, our tender and compassionate intercessor, we entrust our souls and our prayers to you. Wrap us in your immaculate mantle and lead us to your beloved Son, Jesus, who is our only salvation.
Holy Spirit, divine breath that renews all creation, come and kindle our hearts with your heavenly fire. Free us from all fear and doubt, and grant us the strength to face courageously the assaults of evil.
May the communion of saints, with all the angels and the blessed, sustain us in our struggle against the forces of darkness. May our faith be unshakeable, our hope inexhaustible and our charity ardent, so that we may live in the peace and joy of your kingdom for all eternity. Amen.