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Novena prayer to Our Lady of the Rosary

article published on 29/01/2025 in the category : Prayer

Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary, we turn to you with humility and trust during this special novena, seeking your powerful and maternal intercession in our lives. For nine days we gather before you, desiring to deepen our relationship with you, our heavenly Mother, and with your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

First day:

O Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary, we pray that you teach us to pray with fervour and devotion, meditating on the mysteries of the life of Jesus. Help us to understand the depth of your maternal love and the power of your intercession.

Second Day:

O Virgin Mary, Mother of Grace, we entrust to you our burdens and cares. Help us to lay our concerns in your maternal hands, knowing that you are always ready to listen to us and to comfort us in our sorrows.

Third day:

Holy Mary, Refuge of sinners, intercede for us with your Son, that we may receive forgiveness for our sins and the strength to live according to his will. Help us to turn to him with a contrite heart yearning for change.

Fourth Day:

Compassionate Mother, look with tenderness upon those who suffer in our world. Let your compassionate heart be their comfort in times of pain and despair. Obtain for them the physical, emotional and spiritual healing they long for.

Fifth Day:

Virgin Mary, Star of Hope, illuminate our path with your gentle, comforting light. Guide us in times of darkness and doubt, and lead us ever closer to your Son, who is the source of all hope.

Sixth day:

Holy Mary, Mother of the Church, intercede for all members of the Christian family. Protect the Church from the attacks of the enemy and grant her the grace to grow in holiness and unity.

Seventh day:

Tender and compassionate Mother, we entrust to you our families and loved ones. Protect them under your maternal mantle and guide them along the path of faith and love. Obtain for them all the blessings and graces they need.

Eighth day:

O Our Lady of the Rosary, we entrust to you our special intentions (mention your particular intentions here). Please intercede for us with your beloved Son, that our prayers may be answered according to his holy will.

Ninth day:

Blessed Virgin Mary, we thank you for your endless maternal love and for your powerful intercession in our lives. Continue to watch over us and guide us along the path of holiness, until we can join you and your Son in the eternal glory of heaven. Amen.

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