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Paradise in the Bible, eternal happiness and communion with God.

article published on 11/12/2024 in the category : Life of the Saints

The concept of paradise in the Bible is rich in symbolism and spiritual meaning, extending throughout the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. Although the notion of paradise may vary slightly between different traditions and theological interpretations, it is often associated with the idea of a place of eternal happiness and communion with God.

The Garden of Eden - Original Paradise:

The story of paradise has its roots in the Book of Genesis, at the heart of the Creation story. The Garden of Eden, often considered the original paradise, is described as a place of abundance, beauty and harmony where God created Adam and Eve, the first human beings. In this garden, they enjoyed an intimate relationship with God, lived without sin, and had free access to the tree of life.

However, Adam and Eve's sin led to their expulsion from the Garden of Eden, marking the loss of direct access to God's presence. This separation symbolises the break between God and humanity as a result of sin.

The prophetic vision of paradise:

The Bible also presents prophetic visions of paradise, particularly in the prophetic books of the Old Testament. The prophet Isaiah, for example, offers poetic images of cosmic renewal, where creation is restored to its original state. Images of peace, harmony and the divine presence are evoked, symbolising a restored paradise.

Paradise in the New Testament:

The New Testament, particularly the teachings of Jesus Christ, broadens and deepens the understanding of paradise. Jesus often speaks of the Kingdom of God, describing a state where justice, love and perfect communion with God reign. His parables, such as that of the good shepherd and the talents, offer glimpses of paradise as a place where those who follow God's will will find eternal joy.

One of Jesus' most significant promises is addressed to the crucified criminal at his side, often called the "good thief". Jesus assures him, "This very day you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43). This statement underlines the possibility of a direct relationship with God even after death for those who acknowledge the sovereignty of Christ.

The Apocalypse - The final vision of paradise:

The most detailed vision of paradise is found in the last book of the Bible, Revelation, where the apostle John describes a vision of the New Jerusalem. This heavenly city is described as a place where God dwells directly with mankind, eliminating all suffering, sadness and death. The rivers of the water of life and the tree of life, reminiscent of the Garden of Eden, symbolise the complete restoration of the relationship between God and humanity.

The Apocalypse offers the image of a luminous city, with no need for sun or moon, because the glory of God illuminates it. This vision symbolises the end of human history and the beginning of an eternity of perfect communion with God.

In conclusion, paradise in the Bible represents the ultimate human quest for communion with God, the restoration of creation to its original state, and the elimination of all suffering and separation. It is a promise of eternity in the divine presence, a reality hoped for by believers throughout the ages.

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