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Novena Prayer to Merciful Christ

article published on 17/02/2025 in the category : Prayer

O merciful Christ, we entrust to you our intentions and our prayers during this novena. Grant us the graces we need to grow in your love and mercy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


First day: 

Infinite Mercy: Lord Jesus Christ, you who are Mercy Incarnate, we contemplate you in your infinite love for us. Help us to understand and welcome the depth of your mercy in our lives.

Day Two:

The Conversion of the Heart: O Merciful Christ, transform our hearts and our lives. Give us the grace of conversion, so that we may turn to you with a contrite heart and receive your generous forgiveness.

Third day:

Trust in You: Jesus, I trust in you! Increase our trust in your goodness and mercy. Help us to surrender to you, knowing that you love us and want our good.

Day Four:

 The Grace of Forgiveness: Merciful Lord, you who always forgive, teach us to forgive those who have hurt us and to forgive ourselves. Fill our hearts with your peace and joy.

Fifth day: 

The Divine Mercy: O Christ, you who revealed your Merciful Heart to console souls, make us understand the importance of devotion to your Divine Mercy and help us to spread this devotion around us.

Sixth day: 

Compassion and Charity: Merciful Jesus, you who are the source of all compassion and charity, fill us with your Holy Spirit. Help us to love our brothers and sisters as yourself and to be instruments of your mercy in the world.

Seventh day:

 Sacramental Confession: Lord Jesus, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, you welcome us with love and purify us. Guide us to this sacrament, where we find healing, reconciliation and peace.

Eighth day: 

Praise to Divine Mercy: Merciful Christ, we praise and bless you for your immeasurable love. Give us a grateful heart that sings your praise and bears witness to your mercy to all.

Ninth Day: 

The Mission of Mercy: Merciful Jesus, you call us to be apostles of your mercy. Give us the courage and perseverance to proclaim your mercy to everyone we meet and to be instruments of your love in the world.

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