Advent Novena for Christmas
Day 1: Waiting
Lord Jesus, during this Advent Novena, we turn to you with hearts full of expectation. May each passing day bring us closer to the wonder of your birth. Help us to prepare our hearts to receive you as the most precious of gifts.
Day 2: The Light
Lord, you who are the Light of the world, enlighten our lives. Allow your divine radiance to shine within us and dispel the darkness of ignorance, doubt and sin. May your light guide our steps towards you.
Day 3: Hope
Divine Child of Bethlehem, you are our hope. In this time of expectation, strengthen our hope in your coming. Allow us to see in you the promise of a better future, filled with love, peace and joy.
Day 4: Faith
Lord Jesus, increase our faith in this holy season. Give us the grace to believe in you with all our hearts, to follow your teachings and to grow in our relationship with you.
Day 5: Joy
Divine Saviour, your birth is a source of joy for the whole world. Fill our hearts with the joy of Christmas. Help us to share this joy with our loved ones and to spread your love.
Day 6: Charity
Lord, during this novena, inspire us to be charitable towards others. Allow our actions and words to reflect your love and generosity to those in need.
Day 7: Peace
Prince of Peace, we pray to you for peace in our lives and in the world. May your reign of peace be established in our hearts, families and communities. Appease conflicts and divisions.
Day 8: The Family
Divine Child, you were born into a humble family in Bethlehem. Bless our families, Lord. Strengthen the bonds of love, unity and respect. Allow our homes to be reflections of the Holy Family.
Day 9: Gratitude
Lord Jesus, on this last day of our novena, we thank you for the incomparable gift of your birth. May our hearts be filled with gratitude for your immeasurable love. Help us to live each day in thanksgiving to you.
Final Prayer:
Lord, we thank you for this Advent novena which has prepared us to celebrate your birth. May the joy of Christmas flood our hearts, and may we always be witnesses to your love and light in the world. Amen.
May this novena help you to live a Christmas filled with meaning and spirituality.