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Novena Prayer to Merciful Christ

article published on 04/11/2024 in the category : Prayer

Novena dedicated to the Merciful Christ, to invoke his mercy and grace in your life for nine consecutive days:


Lord Merciful Jesus Christ, I come to you with humility and gratitude on this first day of my novena. I ask you to grant me the grace of conversion and sincere repentance. Help me to recognise my sins, to confess them and to find peace in you.


Merciful Christ, you who said, "Come to me, you who labour and bend under the burden," I turn to you on this second day. Grant me the grace of total trust in your infinite mercy. May I lay all my cares and burdens at your feet and trust in your healing power.


Lord of Mercy, I pray to you on this third day. Grant me the grace of total surrender to your divine will. May I accept with gratitude all that you have planned for me, knowing that your plan is perfect.


Merciful Christ, source of healing, I ask you to intercede for me on this fourth day. Grant me the grace of inner, physical and spiritual healing. May I experience the fullness of your mercy in my life.


Lord of Mercy, I pray to you on this fifth day. Grant me the grace of perseverance in prayer and in my faith. May I remain faithful to you, even in the face of challenges and temptations.


Merciful Christ, you who are "love and mercy in person", I turn to you on this sixth day. Grant me the grace to love others as you love us. Help me to be an instrument of your mercy to those around me.


Lord of Mercy, I pray to you on this seventh day. Grant me the grace of inner and outer peace. May your peace flood my heart and may I spread it to the world.


O merciful Christ, I ask you to intercede for me on this eighth day. Grant me the grace of trust in your providence. May I leave my worldly concerns in your hands and know that you provide for all my needs.


Lord Merciful Jesus, on this last day of my novena, I thank you for your infinite mercy. Please continue to shower me with your grace and help me to grow in love and faith. Amen.

Do not forget to recite this novena with sincere faith, humble repentance and openness to Christ's mercy. Pray with confidence and wait with hope for the answer to your prayers.

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