Novena to the Holy Face of Christ
Day 1: The Holy Face as a mirror of Divine Love
O Jesus, sweet face of Divine Love, we turn to you on this first day of our novena. May your Holy Face be for us a mirror of God's infinite Love. May we contemplate in it the beauty of mercy and be transformed by the grace of your benevolent gaze. May your Love guide us in our thoughts, words and actions. Amen.
Day 2: The Holy Face, source of comfort
Beloved Jesus, on this second day we take refuge in the comfort of your Holy Face. May your face soften our sorrows, wipe away our tears and calm our fears. Give us the strength to carry our crosses with faith, knowing that you are with us every step of the way. May the contemplation of your Holy Face be for us an inexhaustible source of consolation. Amen.
Day 3: The Holy Face, refuge for sinners
Lord Jesus, on this third day we approach you as repentant sinners. May your Holy Face be our refuge and our hope. Forgive us our trespasses, wash away our sins and renew in us a right spirit. May the light of your Holy Face dispel the darkness of our transgressions, and may we live in accordance with your divine will. Amen.
Day 4: The Holy Face, model of humility
Divine Saviour, on this fourth day we contemplate your Holy Face, symbol of your infinite humility. Teach us to walk humbly on your path, to serve others with love and to reject every form of vanity. May your Holy Face be our model, guiding us to a life of simplicity and selfless service. Amen.
Day 5: The Holy Face, source of healing
Lord Jesus, on this fifth day we invoke the power of your Holy Face for physical, emotional and spiritual healing. May your resplendent face dispel all sickness and restore health to those who suffer. May the contemplation of your Holy Face bring peace to our tormented hearts and heal our inner wounds. Amen.
Day 6: The Holy Face, refuge for families
Beloved Jesus, on this sixth day we consecrate our families to the protection of your Holy Face. May your face be a shield against divisions, conflicts and family trials. Unite us in love, understanding and faith. May each member of our family contemplate your Holy Face and find in it the strength to persevere in the Christian life. Amen.
Day 7: The Holy Face, light for departed souls
Merciful Lord, on this seventh day we lift up our prayers for departed souls. May the light of your Holy Face guide these souls to the eternal joy of your presence. May your infinite love purify them of all attachment to sin, and may they rest in peace in your eternal mercy. May the contemplation of your Holy Face also soothe the grief of the bereaved families. Amen.
Day 8: The Holy Face, source of wisdom
Divine Wisdom Incarnate, on this eighth day we beseech you to grant us the grace of wisdom through the contemplation of your Holy Face. May your luminous face illuminate our minds, guiding us in the choices of daily life. Inspire us to seek the truth and to follow the path of justice with perseverance. May the wisdom of your Holy Face enlighten our existence. Amen.
Day 9: The Holy Face, our hope
Lord Jesus, on this ninth day we place our hope in your Holy Face. May your resplendent face be for us the pledge of eternal hope. In times of doubt and discouragement, may we find refuge in contemplating your Holy Face and be renewed in our trust in your providence. May the love of your Holy Face be our strength and joy, now and always. Amen.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, and ever shall be. Amen.