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August: Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

article published on 26/02/2025 in the category : Our Lady of Lourdes

The month of August, traditionally dedicated to the Virgin Mary in the Catholic Church, is a time of year when the faithful turn their hearts and minds to the Mother of Jesus with particular devotion. This month is often seen as a time to renew one's attachment to Mary, deepen one's faith and celebrate one of the greatest Marian feasts: the Assumption. This feast, which takes place on 15 August, is at the heart of Marian celebrations, but the whole month is marked by various prayers, processions and devotions in her honour.

The Assumption of Mary is a feast of the Virgin Mary.

The centrality of the Assumption

The feast of the Assumption is undoubtedly the central event of August for Catholics. It celebrates the belief that Mary, at the end of her earthly life, was raised to heaven in body and soul. This dogma, proclaimed by Pope Pius XII in 1950, is a fundamental element of the Marian faith. It expresses the idea that Mary, as Mother of God, received a unique honour in being preserved from the corruption of death. The Assumption is therefore a feast of glorification, where we contemplate Mary's victory over death and her entry into heavenly glory.

The Assumption of Mary is celebrated throughout the world with processions, solemn Masses, pilgrimages and moments of recollection. In places of Marian pilgrimage such as Lourdes in France, Fatima in Portugal and Czestochowa in Poland, thousands of faithful gather to pay homage to the Virgin Mary, who is venerated as the Mother of the Church. This feast also serves as a reminder of the importance of Christian hope: like Mary, believers are called to share one day in the resurrection and eternal life.

August, a month of prayer and devotion

The month of August is entirely imbued with Marian spirituality. The faithful are invited to intensify their prayers and draw closer to Mary through various acts of devotion, such as reciting the Rosary, meditating on the mysteries of the lives of Jesus and Mary, and taking part in Marian pilgrimages. The Rosary, in particular, is a privileged prayer for honouring Mary. By meditating on the joyful, sorrowful, glorious and luminous mysteries, believers contemplate Mary's central role in God's plan of salvation and strive to follow her example of faith, obedience and humility.

Many parishes organise novenas to the Virgin Mary during the month of August, often around the feast of the Assumption. These novenas are times of intense prayer when the faithful ask for Mary's intercession to obtain graces, for the healing of the sick, for peace in families, or for protection and guidance in difficult times. Mary is invoked as the advocate of believers, the one who intercedes with her Son for the spiritual and material well-being of his children.

Mary, model of faith and hope

The month of August is also a time for Catholics to meditate on Mary's virtues and strive to integrate them into their own lives. Mary's unshakeable faith, her total trust in God even in times of doubt and suffering, and her humility as the Lord's servant make her a model for all believers.

The Assumption of Mary is an invitation to hope in the promise of the resurrection and to live in expectation of the Kingdom of God. The mystery of the Assumption reminds the faithful that life on earth is only a passage and that the ultimate goal is eternal life with God. The glorification of Mary in heaven is an anticipation of what every believer hopes for: to be united with God for eternity.

By contemplating Mary during this month, the faithful are encouraged to trust in divine providence, to follow Mary's example in answering "yes" to God's call in their own lives, and to show charity towards their brothers and sisters. Mary, as a model of holiness, shows the way to fidelity to God and a virtuous life.

Marian pilgrimages in August

August is also a special time for Marian pilgrimages. In addition to Lourdes, crowds of pilgrims flock to Marian shrines around the world to pray and ask for the Virgin Mary's intercession. These pilgrimages are moments of encounter with God, of spiritual purification and of fraternity between believers. They are often marked by masses, confessions, processions and special blessings, particularly for the sick.

One of the most famous pilgrimages in August is to Lourdes, where thousands of faithful take part in the Assumption celebrations. This place, where Mary appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in 1858, is renowned for its miracles of healing and its atmosphere of intense prayer. During the feast of the Assumption, Lourdes becomes the centre of Marian devotion, with solemn masses, torchlight processions and the blessing of the sick.

Popular traditions linked to Mary in August

In many cultures, the month of August is associated with popular traditions and customs in honour of the Virgin Mary. In Italy, for example, the feast of the Assumption is known as "Ferragosto", a celebration that combines religious traditions and popular festivals. Processions in honour of the Virgin Mary take to the streets, and the faithful offer flowers to her statues. Families come together for festive meals and moments of sharing, while keeping in mind the sacred nature of the day.

In Spain, the Assumption is also a public holiday, and spectacular processions in honour of the Virgin take place in several cities, including Seville and Madrid. In France, the faithful go on pilgrimage to shrines dedicated to Mary, including Notre-Dame de la Garde in Marseille and La Salette.


The month of August, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, is a high point in the liturgical year when Catholics are invited to intensify their prayer and devotion to the Mother of God. It is a month marked by contemplation of the mystery of the Assumption, which reminds the faithful of the hope of the resurrection and the call to holiness. Whether through praying the Rosary, participating in novenas, or making pilgrimages to Marian shrines, August offers a unique opportunity to draw closer to Mary and, through her, to her Son, Jesus Christ.

Mary, as Mother of the Church and model of faith, continues to accompany believers on their spiritual journey, guiding them to Christ and interceding for them in their moments of doubt, suffering and hope.

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