Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Graces,
You who are full of grace and goodness,
We turn to you with humble supplication,
asking you to grant us your precious blessings.
Day 1:
Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Graces, we turn to you with trust. Grant us the grace of deep faith and sincere love towards your Son, Jesus.
Day 2:
Mother of mercy, intercede for us with your beloved Son. Protect us from the temptations and trials that beset our path and guide us to holiness.
Day 3:
Our Lady of Graces, refuge of sinners, we entrust our weaknesses and sins to you. Grant us the grace of sincere contrition and guide us towards the sacrament of reconciliation.
Day 4:
Virgin Mary, model of virtue and holiness, inspire us to live a life in accordance with the Gospel. Help us to bear witness to God's love in our actions and words.
Day 5:
Our Lady of Graces, comforter of the afflicted, console us in our trials. Strengthen us in our faith, give us the patience and perseverance to overcome life's challenges
Day 6:
Our Immaculate Mother, teach us to be peacemakers and instruments of divine love. Guide us in our mission to spread the Gospel and serve those most in need.
Day 7:
Our Lady of Graces, protector of families, watch over our families and loved ones. Grant us the grace to live in harmony, love and mutual understanding.
Day 8:
Our Lady, Queen of the universe, we consecrate our lives and intentions to you. Protect us, guide us and accompany us on our journey towards holiness.
Day 9:
Our Lady of Graces, pray for us and for all who seek divine grace. Obtain for us heavenly blessings and eternal life, that we may live forever with God.