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Novena to Our Lady of Tears

article published on 18/02/2025 in the category : Prayer

Our Lady of Tears, pray for us,

That we may live in God's grace

And receive the graces necessary to persevere

On the path of faith, hope and love.


Day 1: 

O Our Lady of Tears, Compassionate Mother, we turn to you with trust. Intercede for us with your Son Jesus and guide us through our trials.

Day 2 : 

Mary's Compassion: O Virgin of Sorrows, you who shared Jesus' sufferings, help us to understand the redemptive value of our own sufferings and to offer them up with love.

Day 3 : 

Faith: Mary, strengthen our faith in these times of trial. Help us to believe firmly that God is with us, even in the darkest moments of our lives.

Day 4: 

Patience: Our Lady of Tears, teach us patience and resignation in difficulties. Help us to accept God's will with a humble and obedient heart.

Day 5: 

Consolation: O Mary, Mother of consolation, console us in our sorrows and pains. Dry our tears and fill our hearts with your peace and joy.

Day 6: 

Conversion: Our Lady of Tears, guide us on the path of conversion. Help us to turn away from sin and draw near to God with a repentant heart.

Day 7: 

Protection: Virgin Mary, protect us under your maternal mantle. Guard us from spiritual and physical dangers and intercede for us with your Son.

Day 8: 

Hope: O Our Lady of Tears, rekindle Christian hope in us. Help us to see beyond our temporary sufferings and turn to the promise of eternal life.

Day 9: 

The Intercession of Our Lady of Tears: O Glorious Virgin Mary, you who intercede for the needs of those who invoke you, pray for us. Ask your Son to grant us the graces we need to journey faithfully towards Heaven.

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