Virgin of the Child Jesus, pray for us,
That we may follow the example of faith and love that you have left us,
And one day reach the eternal joy of Heaven with your beloved Son.
First day:
The Annunciation: Virgin Mary, at the announcement of the angel Gabriel, you humbly accepted to become the Mother of God. Help us to welcome God's will in our lives with a faith like yours.
Second day:
The Visitation: Mary, you carried the Christ Child within you and brought the Good News to Elizabeth. Help us to recognise the presence of Jesus in our lives and to share his light with others.
Third day:
The Nativity: Virgin Mary, you gave birth to Jesus in the simplicity of the cot. Help us to welcome Jesus into our hearts and to seek him in the simple moments of our daily lives.
Fourth day:
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple: Mary, you presented Jesus in the Temple with joy and obedience. Help us to offer our lives to God with a generous heart and to seek his will in all our actions.
Fifth day:
The Flight into Egypt: Virgin Mary, you protected Jesus by leading him into Egypt. Protect us also from spiritual dangers and help us to remain firm in our faith in all circumstances.
Sixth day:
The Hidden Life in Nazareth: Mary, you lived a simple and hidden life in Nazareth with Jesus and Joseph. Help us to find God in daily life and to live in humility and obedience to his will.
Day Seven:
The Loss and Finding of Jesus in the Temple: Virgin Mary, you searched anxiously for Jesus and found him in the Temple. Help us to constantly seek Jesus' presence in our lives and to remain faithful to his word.
Eighth day:
The Wedding at Cana: Mary, you interceded for the bride and groom at the Wedding at Cana. Help us to recognise the needs of others and to intercede for them with a compassionate heart.
Ninth day:
Calvary: Virgin Mary, you suffered at the foot of the cross as you contemplated the death of your Son. Help us to unite our sufferings with those of Jesus and to find hope in the resurrection.