Lord Jesus,
On this holy Christmas night,
We celebrate your birth,
Your entry into our world,
Your coming among us to save us.
In the silence of this night,
We listen to the echo of your voice,
A soft and tender whisper
That reminds us of your infinite love for us.
In the simplicity of the manger,
We contemplate your humility,
You, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
Who chose to be born in a stable,
Shrouded in poverty and simplicity.
Lord Jesus,
We thank you for this wonderful gift of your life,
For your light that shines in our darkness,
For your love that warms our hearts.
On this Christmas night,
We ask you to be born in us,
To renew our spirit,
To guide our steps on the path of peace and joy.
May this celebration of Christmas
Be for us an opportunity to be reborn with you,
To share your love with those around us,
And to bring the light of your Gospel to all people.
Glory to God in the highest,
And peace on earth to the people he loves.