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A beautiful prayer to Saint Michael, the archangel protector and defender of the faith

article published on 18/11/2024 in the category : Prayer

O St Michael, glorious archangel, mighty leader of the heavenly hosts, we turn to you with humble supplication and great trust. You are the angel of victory, the protector of the faithful, and the defender of the faith. We recognise your power and your vital role in the fight against the forces of evil.

Saint Michael, you who drove Lucifer and the rebellious angels from heaven, protect us from the attacks of the evil one, from the temptations and snares of the devil. Be our shield and sword in the spiritual battle raging around us.

O Saint Michael, you who were chosen by God to lead the souls of the righteous to heaven, guide us on the path of holiness. Grant us the grace to live virtuous lives, to resist the seductions of sin, and to grow in the love of God.

O Saint Michael, you who are the angel of justice, intercede for all those who seek truth and justice in the world. May your light illuminate their path, and may your strength sustain them in their quest for justice.

O Saint Michael, you who are the protector of the Church and the Blessed Sacrament, defend the Catholic faith against all heresies and attacks. Watch over our Holy Father, bishops, priests, and all who serve in the Church. Grant them the grace to be faithful guardians of God's flock.

Saint Michael, we ask you to watch over our families, our homes, our friends, and all those we love. Protect them from physical and spiritual dangers, and grant them the grace to live in communion with God.

Saint Michael, we entrust to you our specific and personal intentions, in particular [mention your intentions here]. We know that you intercede powerfully for those who turn their gaze to you.

O Holy Michel, model of fidelity, courage and dedication, we thank you for your essential role in the divine plan of salvation. May your intercession continue to protect the Church, defend souls, and obtain graces for all who turn to you with faith.

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, we pray. Amen.

Saint Michael, prince of angels, pray for us.

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