O Saint Christopher, protector of travellers and guardian of motorists, we turn to you with trust and devotion.
You carried Christ on your shoulders through tumultuous waters, guiding travellers safely to shore. Help us, we pray, in our own journeys of life, protect us from the dangers and obstacles that may come our way.
Saint Christopher, you who felt the weight of the world on your shoulders as you carried the Christ Child, help us to carry the burdens entrusted to us with courage and determination. May our faith in God give us the strength to overcome life's challenges and find peace in difficult times.
Intercede for us with God, our heavenly Father, and obtain for us the graces and blessings we need. May your loving protection surround us and guide us every day of our lives.
Saint Christopher, we thank you for your intercession and for the graces we receive through your help. Watch over us, our families and all those dear to us, and keep us safe under your holy protection.