O Saint Christopher, protector of travellers and guardian of motorists, we turn to you with trust and devotion.
First day:
O Saint Christopher, protector of travellers, we turn to you with trust. Guide us safely through the roads of life, protect us from the dangers and obstacles that may come our way. Saint Christopher, pray for us. Amen.
Second day:
Saint Christopher, you who carried Christ on your shoulders, help us to bear with courage the burdens entrusted to us. May our faith in God give us the strength to overcome life's challenges. Saint Christopher, pray for us. Amen.
Third day:
O St Christopher, you who have felt the weight of the world, help us to find peace and serenity in difficult times. Intercede for us with God, our heavenly Father, and obtain for us the graces we need. Saint Christopher, pray for us. Amen.
Fourth day:
Saint Christopher, you who guided travellers to safety, protect us from the physical and spiritual dangers that threaten our well-being. May your loving presence surround us and guide us every day of our lives. Saint Christopher, pray for us. Amen.
Fifth day:
O St Christopher, model of dedication and service, inspire us to be attentive to the needs of others and to serve generously. Help us to recognise the presence of Christ in every person we meet. Saint Christopher, pray for us. Amen.
Sixth day:
Saint Christopher, you who are venerated as the guardian of motorists, watch over us and all who travel the roads. Grant us the grace to be cautious and responsible, and protect us from accidents and dangers. Saint Christopher, pray for us. Amen.
Seventh day:
O St Christopher, protector of travellers, watch over our families and loved ones. Keep us safe under your holy protection and grant us the grace to live in love and harmony. Saint Christopher, pray for us. Amen.
Eighth day:
Saint Christopher, you who offered your selfless help to others, teach us to be generous and to give without expecting in return. Help us to be instruments of God's love and mercy in the world. Saint Christopher, pray for us. Amen.
Ninth day:
O St Christopher, we thank you for your intercession and for the graces we have received through this novena. Continue to watch over us, guide us and protect us in all our endeavours. We entrust our deepest intentions to you and ask you to bring them before the throne of God. Saint Christopher, pray for us. Amen.