Holy Rita, light in the darkness,
You who bore the weight of trials with unshakeable faith,
We entrust to you our burdens and our pains.
Day 1:
Saint Rita, light in the darkness, you who bore the weight of trials with unshakeable faith, intercede for us with the Lord. Help us to find peace in prayer and God's love, and give us the strength to persevere in difficult times.
Day 2:
Saint Rita, model of patience and perseverance, you who kept hope alive despite obstacles, pray for us that we may overcome our difficulties with courage and trust in Divine Providence.
Day 3:
Saint Rita, consoler of the afflicted, you who brought the light of God's love in dark times, intercede for us and console us in our sorrows. Help us to find strength and comfort in prayer and trust in God.
Day 4:
Saint Rita, protector of hopeless causes, you who found solutions when all seemed lost, guide us in our difficult situations. Intercede for us with God and help us to find answers to our concerns.
Day 5:
Saint Rita, flower of patience and charity, you who were marked with the stigmata of Christ, help us to accept our crosses with love and bear them with courage. Give us the grace to live in fidelity to the Gospel and to bear witness to God's merciful love.
Day 6:
Saint Rita, you who found the strength to forgive and love despite the wounds, help us to heal our wounded hearts and to forgive those who have hurt us. Grant us the grace of humility and compassion.
Day 7:
Saint Rita, model of Christian life, you who lived in simplicity, faith and charity, inspire us to follow your example and live a life of service and love towards God and our neighbour.
Day 8:
Saint Rita, you who always sought God's will in your life, help us to listen to God's voice in our hearts and to follow his commandments faithfully. Guide us on the path of holiness and union with God.
Day 9:
Saint Rita, powerful intercessor with God, we entrust our intentions and prayers to you. Intercede for us with the Lord and obtain for us the graces we need to live a holy life and to respond to his call of love.