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Religious items from the sanctuary of Lourdes.

Life of the Saints


The 7 Sorrows of Our Lady of 7 Sorrows

The devotion to Our Lady of Seven Sorrows, also known as Mater Dolorosa, is based on meditating on the moments of profound sadness and pain that the Virgin Mary is said to have experienced throughout her life, particularly during the events surrounding the life and death of her son, Jesus Christ. These seven sorrows represent a series of trials that underline Mary's profound humanity, unshakeable faith and crucial role in the divine plan of redemption. Read more...

Our Lady of Sorrows, the suffering Virgin Mary

Our Lady of Sorrows, also known as Mater Dolorosa, is a venerated figure in Christian tradition, representing the Virgin Mary as a suffering mother. Her cult dates back several centuries and has its roots in Catholic devotion. The title "Our Lady of Seven Sorrows" refers to the seven moments of intense pain that Mary is said to have experienced throughout her life, according to religious tradition. Read more...

Life of Saint Lawrence, deacon and martyr

St Lawrence, deacon and martyr, emerges as an emblematic figure of early Christianity, a shining light in the darkness of the persecutions of the 3rd century. His life and witness continue to inspire believers down the centuries, revealing a model of unshakeable faith and intrepid charity. Read more...

Feast of the Holy Rosary, dedicated to the honour of the Virgin Mary and meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary

The Feast of the Holy Rosary, celebrated each year on 7 October, is a sacred moment in the Catholic liturgy dedicated to honouring the Virgin Mary and meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary. This special day is an opportunity for the faithful to gather, pray and meditate on the different stages of Christ's life, from the joyful mystery to the glorious mystery, passing through the luminous mystery and the sorrowful mystery. Read more...

The presentation of Jesus in the Temple

In the soft light and darkness of the Temple of Jerusalem, a scene imbued with sanctity and revelation unfolded, that of the Presentation of Jesus. Joseph, the just, and Mary, the Immaculate, came to perform the rite prescribed by Jewish law forty days after the birth of their precious son, carrying with them two doves, a humble offering for a child who was himself the supreme offering to humanity. Read more...

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