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Novena prayer for Easter

article published on 31/10/2024 in the category : Prayer


Lord Jesus, we begin this novena to celebrate your glorious resurrection. Open our hearts to the joy of Easter and illuminate our minds with the light of your victory over death. May we live resurrected with you. Amen.


You, the risen Jesus, are the source of our hope. Help us to understand that, even in the midst of life's trials and darkness, your light always shines. May our faith in your resurrection be unshakeable. Amen.


Living Christ, you have conquered sin and death. Grant us the grace to live a new life in you, renouncing sin and choosing the abundant life you offer. Amen.


Lord Jesus, you who are the Way, the Truth and the Life, guide us on the path of holiness. May your resurrection be our model and our strength to overcome life's challenges. Amen.


Jesus, our Saviour, we thank you for the gift of eternal life that you have obtained for us through your resurrection. Help us to live this life with gratitude and to share your love with others. Amen.


Risen Christ, you are the shepherd of our souls. Watch over us and protect us from all evil. Lead us into the green pastures of your grace and peace. Amen.


Lord Jesus, we entrust to you all those who doubt your resurrection. Enlighten their minds and touch their hearts that they may find faith in you. Amen.


Risen Jesus, you who are present in the Eucharist, we thank you for your constant closeness. Allow us to meet you in Holy Communion with faith and love. Amen.


Living Christ, we praise and bless you for your triumphant resurrection. May this Easter renew our spiritual lives and fill us with joy. Amen.

Lord Jesus, at the dawn of this Easter novena, we entrust our prayers and intentions to you. May Easter be for us a source of spiritual renewal and eternal joy. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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