Lord Jesus Christ,
Today we celebrate your glorious resurrection,
The victory over death and sin,
Which offers us the promise of eternal salvation.
Day 1:
The Grace of Renewal: Lord Jesus, we begin this novena with the hope of inner renewal. Grant us the grace to purify our hearts and prepare us to celebrate your resurrection with dignity.
Day 2:
Forgiveness: Heavenly Father, help us to acknowledge our faults and ask forgiveness for our sins. Strengthen us in our desire for conversion and guide us along the path of reconciliation.
Day 3:
Faith: Lord, strengthen our faith in your resurrection. Help us to believe firmly in your infinite love for us and in the promise of salvation you offer us.
Day 4:
Hope: Holy Spirit, breathe into us the hope of eternal life. Help us to see beyond our present trials and place our trust in your divine providence.
Day 5:
Charity: Lord, inspire us to live in love and charity towards our neighbour. Help us to share our faith and witness to your love through our actions and words.
Day 6:
Prayer: Almighty Father, enrich our prayer life. Teach us to turn to you in joy and in trial, to entrust our cares to you and to seek your will in all things.
Day 7:
Penance: Lord, guide us in our fasting and penance. Help us to detach ourselves from the things of the world to draw closer to you and to prepare our hearts to welcome the joy of Easter.
Day 8:
Gratitude: God of all grace, fill us with gratitude for the many gifts you give us each day. Teach us to recognise your blessings and to give thanks for your infinite goodness.
Day 9:
The Joy of Easter: Risen Lord, we praise and thank you for the wonderful gift of your resurrection. Fill our hearts with joy on this Easter Eve, and prepare us to celebrate with gladness the victory of life over death.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.