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The Festival of the Archangels

article published on 13/11/2024 in the category : Religious News

The Feast of the Archangels, celebrated on 29 September, is one of the most significant religious feasts in the Christian liturgical calendar. It honours three archangels mentioned in the Bible: Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, and Saint Raphael, each with a particular role in salvation history. The archangels are divine messengers, celestial protectors and intermediaries between God and human beings. Their feast day is an opportunity to reflect on the role of angels in Christian life, their mission with God, and their interaction with humankind.

Who are the archangels?

Archangels are powerful spiritual creatures who stand before God and carry out particular missions. Their name, which means "chief of the angels", emphasises their leadership role among the angels and divine messengers. According to Christian tradition, three archangels are specifically named in the Scriptures and honoured on the Feast of the Archangels: Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, and Saint Raphael.

a) Saint Michael, the defending archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel, whose name means "Who is like God", is the best known of the three archangels and is often depicted as a powerful warrior. In the Book of Revelation (Revelation 12:7-9), Saint Michael leads the heavenly armies in a battle against the forces of evil, particularly the dragon, which symbolises Satan. Michael is seen as the defender of the Church and the protector against the powers of darkness.

Saint Michael is often invoked to protect against the temptations of evil and to obtain spiritual strength in times of inner battle. He is also the patron saint of soldiers and police officers. His role as warrior and defender is a reminder that the faithful must constantly fight against the forces of evil, both in their own lives and in the world.

b) Saint Gabriel, the archangel messenger

Saint Gabriel the Archangel is one of God's most important messengers. His name means "God is my strength", and he is best known for his appearances in the New Testament. It was he who announced to Mary that she would be the mother of Jesus at the Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38). Gabriel also brings Zechariah the news of the birth of his son, John the Baptist (Luke 1:11-20).

Gabriel's role is that of an announcer of the divine will. He is often prayed to for the strength and clarity to receive and accept God's plans in one's own life. Saint Gabriel is also the patron saint of communicators, diplomats and people involved in the media.

c) Saint Raphael, the healing archangel

Saint Raphael the Archangel, whose name means "God heals", is mentioned in the Book of Tobit in the Old Testament. In this story, he accompanies young Tobias on a journey, heals his father Tobit's blindness, and protects Tobias from physical and spiritual dangers. Raphael is a guide and healer, both physically and spiritually.

Saint Raphael is invoked to heal illnesses, both of the body and the soul. He is the patron saint of doctors, travellers, healers and the blind. His role is to lead souls towards healing and reconciliation with God, a reminder that God is always present to restore what is broken.

Origins and history of the Feast of the Archangels

The feast of 29 September, formerly known as "Saint Michael and all the angels", was originally dedicated solely to Saint Michael. The cult of Saint Michael dates back to the first centuries of Christianity, particularly in the regions of Italy and the Middle East, where shrines and churches were dedicated to him. One of the most famous shrines is Mont-Saint-Michel in France, which still attracts pilgrims from all over the world today.

Over time, the feast was extended to include Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael, in recognition of their important role in the Scriptures. The Catholic Church has thus chosen to celebrate these three archangels together, emphasising their unity in the service of God.

The role of the archangels in the Christian faith

The archangels occupy a special place in Christian theology, as they are at once protectors, messengers and spiritual guides. They are celestial beings who have neither physical bodies nor free will like human beings, but who always act in accordance with divine will. Their main role is to act as intermediaries between God and humanity, carrying the prayers of the faithful to God and transmitting his messages to those on earth.

a) Messengers of the divine will

Archangels are often sent to convey important messages. Whether it is the announcement of the birth of Jesus to Mary or Raphael's accompaniment of Tobias, their mission is to reveal the divine will to human beings. They are also spiritual guides who help the faithful to understand and fulfil God's will in their lives.

b) Protectors and defenders

The archangels, particularly Saint Michael, are also seen as protectors against the forces of evil. They intervene in spiritual battles, defend believers against attacks by demons and help overcome temptations and trials. Saint Michael is thus invoked to protect against physical and spiritual dangers, reminding us that the forces of good are always at work to defeat evil.

c) Healers and guides

Archangels, like Saint Raphael, also have a healing role. They are instruments of God's grace to bring physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Their presence in the lives of believers is a reminder that God is near and acts through his messengers to heal and restore what is broken.

The Feast of the Archangels in daily life

The celebration of the Feast of the Archangels is not only an occasion to commemorate these celestial beings, but also a reminder to integrate their role and virtues into daily life. Here are some ways in which believers can draw inspiration from the archangels in their own lives:

a) Invoking the archangels in prayer

Praying to the archangels is a common practice in Christian life. Many prayers and novenas are dedicated to Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael to obtain their intercession and protection. The prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel is particularly popular for asking for protection from evil and temptation.

b) Seek their guidance

Just as Raphael guided Tobias, believers can ask the archangels for guidance in their spiritual lives. Whether facing important decisions or moments of confusion, invoking the archangels for clarity and wisdom is a way of remembering that God always provides guides for his children.

c) Imitate their devotion to God

The archangels are models of absolute devotion to God's will. Their total obedience and unwavering fidelity are examples for believers, who are invited to follow their example in their own relationship with God. Imitating the archangels means accepting God's will with faith and trust, even in times of uncertainty or trial.


The Feast of the Archangels is a celebration rich in meaning that reminds us of the unique role of angels in Christian life. These celestial beings, endowed with spiritual powers and a special closeness to God, are protectors, messengers and guides for humanity. In celebrating Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, and Saint Raphael, believers are invited to recognise their own spiritual battle, to seek divine guidance, and to entrust themselves to God's protection and healing through his heavenly messengers.

Whether asking for protection, healing or direction, the archangels are always present, ready to act in accordance with divine will to help those who invoke them with faith and humility.

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