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How to make the novena a success?

article published on 13/11/2024 in the category : Prayer

The novena is a powerful prayer that spans nine consecutive days, a time dedicated to praying with perseverance and faith for a particular intention. Successfully completing a novena is not just about getting an answer or favour from God at the end of the nine days. Above all, it's about deepening your relationship with God, entering into a sincere dialogue with the divine and experiencing an enriching spiritual journey. Here's a detailed guide to help you make a success of a novena, with advice on preparation, mindset, and how to maintain perseverance throughout the nine days.

Preparation before starting the novena

Before starting a novena, it is essential to prepare yourself spiritually and mentally. Here are some steps to prepare yourself well:

a) Choose a specific intention

The novena is usually prayed for a specific intention. It is therefore important to think carefully about what you wish to entrust to God during these nine days. Whether it's a request for healing, an intention for peace in the family, spiritual guidance, or a prayer of thanksgiving, choose an intention that resonates deeply in your heart.

Once the intention is chosen, it's recommended that you formulate it clearly. This helps to keep you focused on the request throughout the novena. However, it is important to remain open to God's will and accept that the divine response may be different from what you expect.

b) Choosing a saint or devotion

Most novenas are addressed to a specific saint, the Virgin Mary, or Jesus himself. Choosing the right saint can help you feel more connected and enrich your prayer. For example:

If you are praying for desperate causes, a novena to Saint Jude or Saint Rita may be appropriate.

For family intentions, Saint Joseph is often invoked.

To ask for mercy and forgiveness, a novena to Divine Mercy is powerful.

Choosing a spiritual figure to whom you feel particularly connected strengthens the devotion and intensity of your prayer.

c) Create a sacred space

Before beginning the novena, it is helpful to prepare a dedicated prayer space. This space can be simple but should encourage tranquillity and recollection. A small altar with a candle, a crucifix or an image of the saint you are invoking can create an environment conducive to prayer. This sacred space becomes a place where you will go every day for the nine days to pray and meditate.

d) Set a prayer timetable

Regularity is essential in the novena. It is important to choose a specific time of day to pray, preferably at the same time each day. This could be early in the morning, during a break in the day, or in the evening before you go to bed. The main thing is to make this time an unmissable spiritual appointment.

The daily novena prayer

Once the preparation is done, you can begin your novena. Here are some tips for daily prayer during the nine days.

a) Praying with concentration and devotion

Each day, devote a time of prayer entirely dedicated to your novena. Make sure your mind is focused and that you are fully present in the moment. Avoid distractions during this sacred time. If you have prepared a space for prayer, go there aware of the importance of this act.

Concentration in prayer is essential to really get in touch with God or the saint invoked. Recite the novena prayer with devotion, remembering the intention for which you are praying.

b) Add additional prayers or meditations

Although each novena has a specific prayer, you can enrich your daily prayer by adding other forms of devotion. For example:

The rosary: Many devotees add the rosary to their novena prayer, especially when praying to the Virgin Mary.

Meditations on the Gospels: Taking a moment to meditate on biblical passages related to the intention of your prayer can enrich the spiritual experience.

Personal prayers: After reciting the formal novena prayer, you can take a moment to speak to God in your own words, expressing your hopes, fears, and faith.

c) Leave room for silence and listening

Prayer is not just about speaking to God, but also about listening to him. During your novena, give yourself a moment of silence each day after reciting your prayer. This can be a time to meditate, to feel God's peace, or simply to let your mind calm down and be receptive to what God might want to say to you.

d) Using novena candles

Lighting a novena candle during prayer is a practice that can add a symbolic dimension to the devotion. The flame of the candle symbolises the light of Christ or the intercession of the saint, and serves as a visual reminder of continued prayer. Many people find that having a candle lit during the nine days helps to maintain their concentration and give a deeper meaning to each prayer session.

Persevering in prayer despite difficulties

During the nine days of the novena, it is possible to encounter obstacles. Perseverance is one of the keys to a successful novena. Here's how to stay committed to prayer despite the challenges.

a) Dealing with distractions

It's common to get distracted during prayer, especially when praying for several days in a row. If you find your mind wandering, don't be discouraged. Remember that God sees your effort and commitment. Gently bring your attention back to prayer and do your best to stay focused.

b) Don't get discouraged if the results aren't immediate

A novena is not a magic formula that guarantees an immediate answer to your prayers. Sometimes the divine answer manifests itself in a different way from what you expect, or it may take time. If you don't see an immediate or tangible result at the end of your novena, remember that prayer is an act of faith. Continue to trust God and believe that your prayer has been heard.

c) Praying with faith and surrender

One of the most important attitudes during a novena is surrender to God's will. Praying with faith means not only believing that God is able to intervene in your situation, but also being ready to accept his will, even if it differs from your desires. At the end of each daily prayer, take a moment to say inwardly, "Your will be done, Lord." This surrender will allow you to remain at peace, even if the divine response is not what you had hoped for.

Reflection and thanksgiving after the novena

At the end of the nine days, take a moment to reflect on what you have experienced spiritually during this period of prayer. Whether you received a clear answer or not, it's important to thank God for listening and for any invisible graces that may have been granted during this period.

a) Praying a thanksgiving

Once the novena is over, take a moment to pray a thanksgiving. Thank God for his goodness, his presence and his listening. If you prayed for the intercession of a saint, don't forget to thank that saint for his or her intercession.

b) Watch for signs of divine response

Sometimes the answers to our prayers are subtle and don't manifest themselves immediately. After your novena, pay attention to the signs in your daily life. God may answer your prayers in unexpected ways, through changes in your heart, openings of opportunity, or inspiring words. Keep your eyes and heart open to what God might reveal to you.

Conclusion: How to make a novena a success?

Making a novena a success is not just about getting the favour you ask for. True success lies in maintaining perseverance in prayer, growing spiritually, and bringing you closer to God. The novena is a school of patience, faith and surrender to God's will. Through these nine days of intense prayer, you learn to put aside your worries and entrust yourself totally to God.

Even if you don't immediately receive the answer you were hoping for, know that God hears every sincere prayer and always acts in favour of those who invoke him with faith and love.

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