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Novena prayer to Saint Anthony

article published on 18/02/2025 in the category : Prayer

Saint Anthony, hammer of heretics and patron saint of lost objects,

You who dedicated your life to the search for God and the service of others,

We come to you with trust and devotion.

Day 1:

Oh Saint Anthony, you who dedicated your life to seeking God and serving others, intercede for us with the Lord. Help us to recover what we have lost, whether material objects or spiritual values. Saint Anthony, pray for us.

Day 2:

Saint Anthony, model of faith and humility, guide us on the path of truth and holiness. Grant us the grace to recognise God's presence in our daily lives and to live in communion with Him and our brothers and sisters. Saint Anthony, pray for us.

Day 3:

You who witnessed God's wonders in your life, help us to overcome life's challenges with courage and perseverance. Strengthen our faith and hope, and help us to grow in love of God and neighbour. Saint Anthony, pray for us.

Day 4:

Saint Anthony, protector of travellers and those in need, watch over us and protect us from life's dangers and trials. Lead us to safety and eternal peace, and help us to stand firm in the faith in all circumstances. St Anthony, pray for us.

Day 5:

O St Anthony, you whose heart is filled with compassion for the poor and sick, inspire us to serve others with generosity and love. Help us to recognise the needs of our brothers and sisters and to respond to their calls with tenderness and concern. Saint Anthony, pray for us.

Day 6:

Saint Anthony, hammer of heretics, defend us against the errors and temptations that seek to draw our hearts away from God. Grant us clarity of mind and firmness in the faith, so that we may remain faithful to the Gospel and to the teachings of the Church. Saint Anthony, pray for us.

Day 7:

You who lived in evangelical simplicity and poverty, teach us to detach ourselves from earthly goods and seek the treasures of heaven. Help us to put God at the centre of our lives and to seek his will in all things. Saint Anthony, pray for us.

Day 8:

Saint Anthony, you who were an eloquent preacher of the Word of God, help us to proclaim the Gospel with boldness and conviction. Grant us the words and wisdom to bear witness to the truth of the Gospel and to invite others to encounter Jesus Christ. Saint Anthony, pray for us.

Day 9:

O Saint Anthony, you who have been a powerful intercessor with God for so many people, we entrust our intentions and prayers to you. Intercede for us with the Lord, that we may receive the graces we need to live a holy life and to respond to his call of love. Saint Anthony, pray for us.

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