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Life of Saint Anthony the Great, patron saint of the poor and travellers

article published on 18/02/2025 in the category : Life of the Saints

St Anthony the Great, also known as Anthony of Egypt, is one of the most emblematic figures of Christian monasticism. Born in Egypt around 251 AD, he is considered the founder of eremitical monasticism, a form of religious life devoted to solitude, prayer and penance in the desert.

Anthony was born into a wealthy Christian family in Upper Egypt. After the death of his parents, he is deeply influenced by the Gospel, in particular by the words of Jesus inviting the rich young man to sell his possessions, give to the poor and follow him. Inspired by these words, he distributed his fortune to the needy and committed himself to a life of prayer and meditation.

Around the age of twenty, Anthony withdrew to the desert to live as a hermit. There, he led an austere existence, devoting his days to prayer, meditating on the Scriptures and fighting the devil's temptations. His reputation for holiness attracted many disciples who came to seek his spiritual advice and his example of ascetic living.

St Anthony is famous for his teachings on spiritual struggle and the monastic life. His words and writings, passed on by his disciples, had a profound influence on the development of monasticism in Egypt and throughout the Christian world. His wisdom and experience of spiritual struggle are condensed in his "Words and Letters", which continue to inspire Christians to this day.

St Anthony's life is punctuated by numerous accounts of miracles, testifying to his spiritual power and closeness to God. He is often depicted with a pig, a symbol of temptation, at his feet, recalling his victory over diabolical temptations in the desert.

St Anthony the Great died in 356 AD, at the venerable age of 105. His tomb quickly became a place of pilgrimage and the monastery founded near his hermitage became a flourishing spiritual centre. His veneration quickly spread throughout the Christian world, and he was recognised as one of the great saints and spiritual teachers of the Church.

The legacy of Saint Anthony the Great endures down the centuries. He is revered not only as the founder of eremitical monasticism, but also as a model of contemplative life, spiritual struggle and generosity towards the poor. His life and teachings continue to inspire thousands of people in search of God, truth and holiness on their own spiritual journeys.


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