Saint Joseph of Cupertino, pray for us,
That we may journey with faith and determination
On the path of holiness and God's love.
Day 1:
O Glorious Saint Joseph of Cupertino, you who overcame academic and spiritual challenges through unwavering faith, intercede for us with God. Guide us in our quest for wisdom and humility, and help us to persevere in our studies and examinations.
Day 2:
Faith: Saint Joseph, model of faith, help us to believe firmly in divine providence and God's grace in our lives. Strengthen our faith, so that we may overcome the doubts and obstacles that come our way.
Day 3:
Prayer: O Saint Joseph of Cupertino, you who found strength and consolation in prayer, teach us to pray with confidence and devotion. Help us to establish an intimate relationship with God through daily prayer and meditation on His Word.
Day 4:
Humility: St Joseph, model of humility, help us to recognise our weaknesses and limitations. Inspire us to embrace humility as a fundamental virtue, and guide us to the true greatness that lies in selfless service and love.
Day 5:
Perseverance: O Saint Joseph of Cupertino, you who persevered despite obstacles, strengthen our will and determination. Help us to remain faithful to our commitments and to pursue our studies and responsibilities with courage.
Day 6:
Wisdom: Saint Joseph, source of divine wisdom, enlighten our minds and hearts. Grant us the grace to understand eternal truths and apply them in our daily lives, always seeking God's will.
Day 7:
Charity: O Saint Joseph of Cupertino, model of charity, inspire us to love God and our neighbour with all our heart. Help us to show God's love through our actions and words, always seeking the good of others.
Day 8:
Protection: St Joseph, protector of students and examiners, watch over us and our studies. Protect us from distractions and temptations, and intercede for us with God to obtain the grace of success and perseverance.
Day 9:
The Intercession of Saint Joseph: O Glorious Saint Joseph of Cupertino, you who have been a powerful intercessor for so many, pray for us. Intercede with the Lord to answer our prayers and supplications, and help us to live according to His will every day of our lives.