O Mary, conceived without sin,
Mother of grace and mercy,
We turn to you with confidence
Bearing the Miraculous Medal
As a sign of your love and protection.
You who answered the call of Saint Catherine Labouré
And offered to the world this precious symbol of faith,
Intercede for us with your Son, Jesus,
And obtain for us the graces we ask for with faith.
Protect us from spiritual and physical dangers,
Guide us on the path of holiness,
And teach us to live according to God's will
With an open and generous heart.
Loving and compassionate mother,
Help us to respond to the call of conversion,
To seek truth, justice and love
In our lives and in the world.
May the Miraculous Medal be for us
A constant reminder of your maternal love,
And may it inspire us to live each day
With faith, hope and charity.
O Mary, Miraculous Virgin,
Pray for us,
And obtain for us the graces
We so much need.