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Novena prayer to the Miraculous Virgin

article published on 31/10/2024 in the category : Prayer


Miraculous Virgin, Mary, we entrust this novena to you. As you did at Rue du Bac, deign to intercede for us and pour divine graces into our lives. Mary, pray for us.


Mary, model of faith, help us to deepen our relationship with God and to live a life of trust and obedience to His will. Show us how to be true disciples of your Son, Jesus. Mary, pray for us.


Immaculate Virgin, you who said "yes" to God with a pure heart, teach us to listen to God's voice in our lives and to respond with a docile and obedient heart. Mary, pray for us.


Mary, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, we pray to you for the needs of our world. Intercede for peace, justice, reconciliation and healing. Mary, pray for us.


Miraculous Virgin, refuge of sinners, we entrust to you all our faults and weaknesses. Help us to find God's forgiveness and mercy and to grow in holiness. Mary, pray for us.


Mary, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, we pray to you for the sick and afflicted. May your maternal tenderness comfort them and may they find healing, if that is God's will. Mary, pray for us.


Miraculous Virgin, Mother of the Church, intercede for the pope, bishops, priests and all the faithful. May the Church continue to spread the light of the Gospel throughout the world. Mary, pray for us.


Mary, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, model of charity, inspire us to reach out to those in need and to be instruments of peace and reconciliation. Mary, pray for us.


Miraculous Virgin, we thank you for your constant intercession. Pray for us now and at the hour of our death, that we may be united with God for all eternity. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Miraculous Virgin, pray for us and intercede with God for all our intentions. Amen.

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