You Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Hope,
You who firmly believed in God's promise
And bore in your womb the Saviour of the world,
We turn to you with trust and devotion.
.In times of uncertainty and despair,
Inspire us with the hope that rests on faith in God,
Help us to see the light in the darkness
And to persevere in trust despite trials.
Virgin Mary, morning star announcing the new dawn,
Guide us on the path of truth and love,
Protect us from dangers and temptations
And sustain us as we journey towards the Kingdom of God.
You who witnessed the resurrection of your beloved Son,
Intercede for us with him,
Obtain for us the grace to live in joyful hope,
And help us to share this hope with all those in need.
Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Hope,
We entrust to you our prayers and concerns,
Particularly [mention your personal intention here],
And we ask you to pray for us before the throne of God.