May this novena to Saint Peter strengthen your faith, hope and love for God, guiding you on the path to holiness and communion with the Lord. Amen.
First day:
Theme: Trust in God
Prayer: Saint Peter, you who had the faith to walk on the waters with Jesus, help us to have unshakeable trust in God, even in times of doubt and fear.
Second day:
Theme: Conversion
Prayer: Saint Peter, after denying Jesus, you were restored to his love. Intercede for us that we may know the grace of conversion and divine mercy.
Third day:
Theme: Faith
Prayer: Saint Peter, you who confessed Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God, strengthen our faith and help us to profess our belief in God with courage and conviction.
Fourth day:
Theme: Humility
Prayer: Saint Peter, model of humility, teach us to acknowledge our faults, to repent sincerely, and to accept God's grace with a humble heart.
Fifth Day:
Theme: Apostolic Courage
Prayer: Saint Peter, zealous apostle, give us apostolic courage to proclaim the Gospel, defend the truth, and bear witness to our faith in Jesus Christ before the world.
Sixth Day:
Theme: Christian Leadership
Prayer: Saint Peter, first pope, guide the Church's leaders with wisdom and discernment. Help them to lead God's people along the path of holiness and divine love.
Day Seven:
Theme: Protection
Prayer: Saint Peter, protector of fishermen and sailors, watch over us as we travel and go about our daily business. Protect us from spiritual and physical dangers, and lead us to the safety of God's grace.
Eighth day:
Theme: Unity of the Church
Prayer: Saint Peter, rock on which the Church is founded, help us to work for unity and communion within the Body of Christ, recognising love and brotherhood as signs of our belonging to God.
Ninth day:
Topic: Eternal life
Prayer:Saint Peter, you witnessed Christ's resurrection. Intercede for us with the Lord that we may live in hope of eternal life and one day join the communion of saints in heavenly glory.