Ô Sainte Thérèse de l'Enfant-Jésus,
You who lived on this earth in simplicity and humility,
You who embraced the path of spiritual childhood,
You who taught absolute trust in God's mercy,
We turn to you in this moment of prayer.
Saint Thérèse, you bore witness to God's infinite love
And to the power of prayer in the lives of believers.
You offered every little act of love to Jesus with joy,
And you showed the world that holiness lies in simplicity.
Today we entrust to you our joys and our sorrows,
Our hopes and our fears, our deepest desires.
Help us to follow your example of trust and abandonment to God,
To see His presence in the ordinary moments of our lives.
Saint Thérèse, intercede for us with Jesus,
Hold over us the grace to live with a heart filled with love,
To forgive as you forgave, to serve as you served.
May we be living witnesses of God's love in the world.
Inspire us to follow your footsteps on the path of holiness,
To persevere in prayer and in love of neighbour.
Help us to grow in faith and trust in God,
Knowing that He loves us with an infinite and unconditional love.
O Saint Teresa, may your gentle presence be with us
In every moment of our lives, guiding and protecting us.
May your powerful prayer obtain for us the graces we need,
And may we one day join you in the eternal glory of heaven. Amen.