Bienheureux Saint Benoît,
Nous nous tournons vers toi dans notre temps de besoin, cherchant refuge et protection contre les forces du mal qui cherchent à nous égarer. Toi qui as été un phare de lumière dans les ténèbres de ton époque, nous te prions humblement de nous guider sur le chemin de la vérité et de la vertu.
Saint Benedict, man of faith and perseverance, you resisted the devil's temptations and founded a monastic community dedicated to prayer, work and contemplation. May we, through your example, find the strength to reject the seductions of evil and live according to God's will.
May your spirit of discernment guide us in our choices and actions, so that we may always distinguish between good and evil. Grant us the wisdom to see through the illusions of the world and to stand firm in our faith, even in the face of the most formidable adversities.
Saint Benedict, protector of tormented souls, we pray that you watch over us in our moments of weakness and doubt. Strengthen our minds and hearts, so that we may face with courage the trials that stand in our way.
In the name of the Holy Trinity, we ask you to turn away from us all evil influences, to break the chains that hold us captive to sin, and to grant us the grace to live holy and righteous lives.
May your intercession, O Saint Benedict, protect us from the attacks of the evil one and lead us to eternal peace in the kingdom of God. Amen.