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History of Saint Michael the Archangel, Angel of Protection against Evil

article published on 13/11/2024 in the category : Prayer

The story of Saint Michael the Archangel is deeply rooted in Christian religious tradition and is also recognised by other religions, including Judaism and Islam. Here is an abridged version of the story of Saint Michael the Archangel:

St Michael the Archangel is a biblical character whose name means "Who is like God?" in Hebrew. He is the leader of the heavenly hosts and is often depicted as an angelic warrior fighting evil and protecting the faithful.

Biblical origin of St Michael:

The archangel Michael is mentioned in the Old Testament Book of Daniel in the Bible, where he is described as a protector of Israel. He also plays a key role in the New Testament, where he is associated with the battle against Satan and the forces of evil.

The battle in heaven:

The most famous story of St Michael is his battle in heaven against Satan and his fallen angels. According to Christian tradition, Satan and his angels rebelled against God, leading to a heavenly war. Saint Michael led God's faithful angels in this battle and triumphed over Satan, casting him out of heaven.

The protector and guide:

Saint Michael the Archangel is seen as the protector of the Catholic Church, travellers, soldiers and departed souls. He is often depicted weighing souls on Judgment Day. He is also revered as the guardian of holy places, including Mont Saint-Michel in France.

St Michael's feast day:

The feast of Saint Michael the Archangel is celebrated on 29 September in the Catholic Church. It is one of the most important festivals dedicated to angels.

In other religions:

The Archangel Michael

The story of Saint Michael the Archangel is therefore rich in symbolism and spiritual significance, and he is venerated by many people around the world for his protection and defence against the forces of evil.

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