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Secours Catholique, Caritas France

article published on 06/01/2025 in the category : Religious News

Secours Catholique - Caritas France, often referred to simply as Secours Catholique, is a Catholic charity that has been active in France for over 70 years. Founded in 1946 by Abbé Jean Rodhain, it quickly established itself as one of the major players in social aid and solidarity in the country.

Mission and Objectives:

The main mission of Secours Catholique is to combat poverty and social exclusion in all its forms. Its action is guided by the values of the Catholic Church's social doctrine, such as solidarity, human dignity, social justice and respect for the individual.

Its objectives are manifold:

Accompanying the most disadvantaged: Secours Catholique accompanies people in precarious situations by providing them with moral, material and financial support. This may involve distributing meals, clothing and food aid, as well as listening and providing guidance.

Promoting social and professional integration: The organisation works to promote the integration of people in difficulty by offering them training, personalised support, professional integration workshops and by facilitating their access to social rights.

Acting for the respect of fundamental rights: Secours Catholique is committed to ensuring that everyone has access to their fundamental rights, such as housing, health, education and employment, by lobbying public authorities and carrying out advocacy work.

Fostering international solidarity:

As a member of the Caritas Internationalis network, Secours Catholique also takes part in international solidarity actions, providing emergency humanitarian aid in areas of conflict or natural disaster, supporting sustainable development projects and fighting global injustice.

Organisation and Functioning:

Secours Catholique is an association under the law of 1901, made up of volunteers and employees throughout France. Its operation relies heavily on the commitment of its volunteers, who devote a significant amount of their time and energy to supporting the organisation's actions.

The association is structured into departmental, regional and national delegations, which coordinate actions on the ground, in close liaison with local parishes and institutional partners. It also has specialised services to meet the specific needs of the publics it supports, such as migrants, homeless people, families in difficulty, etc.

The Secours Catholique's funding comes mainly from the generosity of the public, private donations, legacies, public subsidies and partnerships with companies and foundations. This diversification of funding sources enables it to maintain its independence and freedom of action.

Concrete actions:

The Secours Catholique's actions take the form of a multitude of projects and schemes on the ground, tailored to the needs of the people it supports. These include:

Maraudes and food distributions:Teams of volunteers meet homeless people on the streets, providing them with hot meals, clothing and basic necessities.

Reception and accommodation centres: Secours Catholique runs emergency reception centres and accommodation facilities for people in precarious situations, where they can find a roof over their heads, a meal and social support.

Reception and listening hotlines: Volunteers are on duty at Secours Catholique premises to welcome, listen to and direct people in difficulty to the appropriate services.

International solidarity actions: Secours Catholique supports development projects in southern countries, in partnership with local organisations, aimed at strengthening the autonomy of populations and improving their living conditions.

Impact and Recognition:

The impact of Secours Catholique on French society is considerable. Every year, thousands of people in difficulty benefit from its work and regain hope thanks to its support. Its commitment to the most disadvantaged is widely recognised, by public authorities, institutions and the general public alike.

In 2021, Secours Catholique was awarded the "La France s'engage" prize for its "Territoires zéro chômage de longue durée" project, which aims to experiment with local solutions to combat long-term unemployment in certain municipalities.

Challenges and outlook:

Despite its achievements and ongoing commitment, Secours Catholique faces many challenges. Precariousness and social exclusion continue to increase in France, particularly as a result of the economic crisis, unemployment and precarious housing. The organisation must therefore constantly adapt its actions and schemes to meet emerging needs and new forms of poverty.

With this in mind, Secours Catholique is continuing its digital transformation and strengthening its presence on social networks to raise public awareness and mobilise new supporters. It is also working to strengthen its partnerships with other solidarity players, at local, national and international level, to pool resources and amplify its impact.

In conclusion, Secours Catholique plays an essential role in the fight against poverty and social exclusion in France. Through its day-to-day work with the most disadvantaged, it embodies the values of solidarity and fraternity advocated by the Catholic Church and helps to build a fairer and more caring society.

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