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Prayer to Saint Lawrence Martyr

article published on 11/12/2024 in the category : Prayer

O St Lawrence, intrepid deacon and courageous martyr, we turn to you with faith and trust. Your example of generous charity and steadfast faith continues to shine through the ages, illuminating our own paths of discipleship. In this hour of prayer, we invoke your powerful intercession and ask you to guide us on the path of faith, love and selfless service.

Saint Lawrence, model of charity, you dedicated your life to serving the poor and needy, recognising in each person the sacred presence of God. Inspire us to follow your example, to see Christ in our most vulnerable brothers and sisters, and to respond with a generous heart to the needs of those who suffer.

Courageous deacon, you showed unshakeable faith in the face of adversity and martyrdom. Strengthen us in our own faith, give us the strength to persevere in difficult times, and help us to remain faithful to the Gospel truth even in the midst of challenges and trials.

Saint Lawrence, witness to Christ's love, intercede for us with the Lord. Pray that our hearts may be open to divine grace, that our charity may be genuine, and that our faith may be deep and alive. Obtain for us the grace to imitate your trust in God, even in the most difficult situations, and to accept with serenity the crosses that come our way.

May your example inspire us to be devoted disciples, ready to give of ourselves for the good of others, and to bear witness to the joy of the Gospel through our actions. Saint Lawrence, beloved of Heaven, we entrust our prayers and intentions to you. Amen.

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