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Prayer to Notre Dame de la Garde

article published on 11/12/2024 in the category : Prayer

Ô Notre-Dame de la Garde, heavenly Mother who watches over us with love and solicitude, we turn to you in faith and trust. You who enthroned majestically at the top of the hill, enlighten us with your heavenly light and guide us on the path of life.

Queen of heaven, morning star, we humbly ask you to watch over us, our families, our friends and all those who seek refuge in you. In moments of joy, be at our side to share our gladness. In dark hours, be our beacon, dispelling the darkness of uncertainty and fear.

Ô Notre-Dame de la Garde, you who have always heard the pleas of your children, we entrust to you our sorrows and our hopes. Accept our prayers like sweet perfume rising to heaven, and intercede for us with your divine Son.

Mary, star of the sea, we pray to you for all those lost at the sea of life, seeking a safe harbour. Grant them your protection and guide them to the safety of faith and divine love.

Our Lady of the Watch, protector of travellers and pilgrims, accompany us on our earthly journey. May your maternal gaze always be upon us, and may your comforting tenderness envelop us, as a mother wraps her protective arms around her beloved child.

Mary, Queen of Angels, we entrust to you all the nations and peoples of the earth. Inspire leaders to work for peace, justice and brotherhood. May your outstretched mantle protect humanity from the scourges that threaten it, and may your maternal love bring healing to those who suffer.

Our Lady of the Watch, star of heaven, we ask you to watch over the Church and all who serve her. Guide pastors in their mission and strengthen the faith of all the faithful. May your example of faith, humility and charity illuminate our lives and inspire our commitment to God and our brothers and sisters.

O Mary, Our Lady of La Garde, we entrust to you our lives, our joys and our sorrows, our hopes and our fears. May your maternal love be for us a comfort in difficult times, a source of inspiration in our actions, and a star that always guides us to your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.


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