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The Feast of Saint Mary, Mother of God: Celebration of Divine Maternity

article published on 11/12/2024 in the category : Prayer

On 1 January, the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of Saint Mary, Mother of God, a feast that honours the divine maternity of the Virgin Mary and highlights her exceptional role in salvation history. This day has profound significance, not only as the first feast in the liturgical calendar, but also as a time for contemplation and reflection on the mystery of Mary's maternity.

Origins of the Feast:

The celebration of Mary's divine maternity dates back to the first centuries of Christianity. During the Council of Ephesus in 431, the Fathers of the Church proclaimed Mary as "Theotokos" or "Mother of God", thus affirming the divinity of Jesus Christ from the moment of his conception. The feast of 1 January was later established to commemorate this title and emphasise the close bond between Mary and Jesus.

Spiritual Significance:

The feast of Saint Mary, Mother of God, offers an opportunity to meditate on Mary's central role in the divine plan of salvation. By carrying Jesus in her womb, she became God's chosen instrument for the Word to become flesh. Her motherhood is not only biological, but also spiritual, for she freely and humbly accepted God's plan for her and for humanity.

Liturgy and Prayers:

The liturgical celebrations for this feast include biblical readings highlighting Mary's role in the fulfilment of the Scriptures. Special prayers highlight her holiness, purity and role as mediatrix of all graces. The faithful are invited to reflect on the extraordinary grace that God bestowed on Mary in choosing her as the Mother of His Son.

January 1 and the New Year:

The feast of Sainte Marie, Mother of God, being fixed for January 1, also aligns with the beginning of the new calendar year. This invites believers to begin the year under Mary's maternal protection and guidance. It is an opportunity to consecrate the year to God, asking Mary to watch over each coming day and intercede for peace and divine grace.

Marial devotions:

The faithful use this day to renew their devotion to Mary. Processions, special rosaries and acts of Marian consecration are organised in many churches. Families can also get together to pray the rosary and meditate on the joyful, luminous, sorrowful and glorious mysteries of the lives of Jesus and Mary.

Call to Imitation:

Mary's life serves as an inspiring example for all Christians. Her faith, humility, obedience and unconditional love for God are traits to be imitated. The feast of Saint Mary, Mother of God, calls believers to model their lives on hers, to be open to the divine will and to welcome Jesus into their hearts.


The feast of Saint Mary, Mother of God, marks the beginning of the year in a spiritual and reflective way. It reminds us that Mary, as Mother of God, is a powerful and loving intercessor. May this day be a source of blessing, spiritual renewal and consecration for all the faithful, under the tender maternity of the Virgin Mary.

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