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Novena prayer to my Guardian Angel

article published on 31/10/2024 in the category : Prayer

A novena you can recite to your guardian angel to ask for their guidance, protection and presence in your life for nine consecutive days:


Dear guardian angel, I turn to you with gratitude and love. I thank you for being by my side since I was born. Help me to recognise your presence in my life and to be aware of your signs and guidance.


Beloved Angel, I ask you to illuminate me with your divine light. Guide me in my quest for truth and love. Help me to make wise and enlightened decisions that lead to peace and joy.


Angel of protection, surround me with your love and benevolence. Watch over my family, friends and all those I love. Protect us from physical and spiritual dangers that may arise.


Angel of wisdom, please help me to make right and informed decisions. Grant me the clarity of mind to solve the problems before me and to choose the right path in life.


Angel of Patience, help me to cultivate patience in all situations. Enable me to show compassion to myself and others when we encounter challenges.


Angel of Healing, I ask you to help me heal emotional and physical wounds. Bring peace to my heart and mind, and grant me the strength to overcome difficult times.


Angel of creativity, inspire me in all my creative endeavours. Help me find inspiration and innovation to accomplish my projects and reach my goals.


Angel of communication, guide me in my relationships with others. Enable me to communicate with love, compassion and understanding. Help me to create strong, positive bonds with those around me.


Dear guardian angel, thank you for your constant presence in my life. Please continue to guide me, protect me and love me. I invoke you to accompany me on all my adventures. Amen.

Remember to recite this novena with sincere intention and take time to meditate on the aspects of your life that you would like to improve with the help of your guardian angel.

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