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Novena prayer to Mary who undoes knots

article published on 30/10/2024 in the category : Prayer


Mary, sweet Mother, we entrust to you the knots of our lives. Help us to undo them and find peace. Mary, pray for us.


Mary, Queen of Heaven, intercede for us with your Son Jesus. May all the knots that bind us be undone by His grace. Mary, pray for us.


Mother Mary, we pray to you for the knots in the family. May love and harmony reign in our homes. Mary, pray for us.


Holy Mary, You who untied the knots of humanity by accepting to be the Mother of the Saviour, help us to untie our personal knots. Mary, pray for us.


Mary, Our Lady of Knots, we entrust to you the cares of our daily lives. Help us to find solutions and unravel problems. Mary, pray for us.


Virgin Mary, we pray to you for the knots of illness. Be a comfort to the sick and their families, and guide the hands of carers. Mary, pray for us.


Mary, Our Lady who unties knots, we entrust to you our financial knots. Help us to manage our resources wisely and to overcome difficulties. Mary, pray for us.


Compassionate Mother, we pray to you for the knots of injustice and suffering in the world. Intercede that peace and justice may prevail. Mary, pray for us.


Mary, star of the sea, guide us on the path of faith. Help us to untie the knots of our doubts and grow in God's love. Mary, pray for us.

Holy Mary, Mother of Mercy, we entrust to you all our intentions and the knots that prevent us from moving forward. Please intercede for us with your beloved Son, Jesus. May by your love and grace all the knots in our lives be undone. Amen.

Final prayer:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us poor sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

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