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Why burn a Novena candle?

article published on 13/11/2024 in the category : Prayer

Lighting and burning a novena candle is an ancient and deeply symbolic spiritual practice in the Christian tradition, particularly in Catholicism. This act of devotion goes far beyond a simple ritual; it is a visible and tangible expression of faith, prayer and spiritual perseverance. Burning a novena, which traditionally lasts nine days, is a way of connecting with God in a continuous and committed way. Here are some important reasons why burning a novena candle is a meaningful spiritual practice.

A symbol of divine light and God's presence

The light of the candle is a powerful symbol of God's presence. In the Bible, light is often associated with divinity and truth. Jesus himself describes himself as "the light of the world" (John 8:12), and lighting a candle is a way of manifesting that light in our lives. By lighting a novena candle, we invoke God's presence in our prayers, acknowledging his light that illuminates even the darkest moments of our existence.

The candle flame that burns continuously for nine days symbolises this divine light that never goes out, reminding believers that prayer, too, must be continuous and persevering.

Perseverance in prayer

One of the essential purposes of the novena is to show perseverance in prayer. Traditionally, a novena lasts nine days, during which the praying person sets aside time each day to pray with a particular intention. Burning a candle during these nine days is a way of reinforcing this practice of perseverance, of reminding people of the commitment to pray continuously and uninterruptedly.

The novena, with its extended duration, teaches the faithful patience and trust in the divine plan. It reminds them that certain graces, responses or blessings require constancy in prayer, as God often works at His own pace. Burning a candle during this period is therefore an act of faith, marking the fact that we continue to pray and hope, day after day.

A symbolic offering and a tangible gesture

Burning a candle is also an act of offering. The flame, which rises towards the sky, symbolises our prayers as they are lifted up to God. Lighting a novena candle is a way of symbolically presenting an offering to God, showing that we are placing our intentions, our hopes, our worries, or our requests for forgiveness in his hands.

It can also symbolise spiritual sacrifice: just as the candle is slowly consumed, we are invited to offer our hearts, to surrender ourselves to the divine will and to let our faith guide us. The soft, steady light that shines during these nine days is a continual reminder that our prayers never cease, even when we are not physically praying.

A tool for creating a sacred space

Burning a novena candle also helps to create a sacred space, whether at home, in a church, or at a place of pilgrimage. The act of lighting the candle marks the beginning of a time devoted to prayer, a moment when we turn away from the distractions of the world to turn towards God.

The space around the candle becomes a place of recollection, where the faithful can withdraw to meditate, pray and reflect. The fact that the candle continues to burn even in the physical absence of the praying person shows that the prayer continues, symbolically, throughout the nine days.

A means of expressing particular intentions

A novena candle is often lit for a particular intention: a request for healing, a prayer for peace, a request for strength in the face of a difficult trial, or to ask for the intercession of a saint or the Virgin Mary. The act of burning this candle gives a tangible dimension to this intention.

During the nine days of the novena, the praying person concentrates on their intention, while asking God or a saint to pay attention to their prayer. Burning a candle during this period shows commitment and seriousness in prayer, a desire to see this intention carried through to God.

A symbol of hope and faith in divine action

The flame of a novena candle can also symbolise hope. By lighting a candle, believers express their trust in God's action in their lives. Even when everything seems dark or uncertain, the light of the candle represents the hope that God is at work, that his light pierces the darkness and that he will answer prayer according to his will.

Burning a novena candle is an affirmation of this unshakeable faith in God, even if the answer to prayer is not yet obvious. It's a gesture that shows that, whatever happens, we continue to hope and trust in God.

A time for personal or community prayer

Finally, the novena is often a special time for personal or community prayer. Although the candle can be lit in a church, oratory or place of pilgrimage, it can also be lit at home, in a space dedicated to prayer. The light from the novena candle then becomes a focal point for daily prayer.

In some families, burning a novena candle becomes a collective spiritual activity, uniting family members around a common intention. This strengthens community and the commitment to pray together. The flame of the candle becomes a constant reminder of this collective prayer, unifying the family in a shared act of faith.

Conclusion: A light that illuminates faith

Burning a novena candle for nine days is much more than a simple ritual act. It is a way of materializing a prayer, persevering in faith, and symbolically offering God a particular intention. The candle's light is a constant reminder of God's presence in our lives, and its continually burning flame bears witness to the hope and perseverance of the faithful.

Whether for personal intentions, intercessory requests or simply to maintain an ongoing connection with God, lighting a novena candle is an act of faith deeply rooted in Christian tradition, and it remains a source of comfort and inspiration for many believers.

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