Lord God,
You who are Love,
You who created the universe out of love and for love,
I come to You today,
With my heart open and filled with gratitude for the infinite love You offer me.
You are the source of all love,
Through You we learn what it means to love truly,
To love unconditionally, without measure,
As You have loved us from always and for eternity.
Lord, teach me to love,
To love like You, with a wide and generous heart,
To love without expecting in return,
To give without counting the cost, to forgive without hesitation,
To offer my love even to those who hurt or reject me.
I give You thanks for the love You have shown through Your Son Jesus Christ,
He who came to earth to show us the way of true love,
A love that sacrifices itself, that gives itself even to the cross,
A love that liberates, forgives and saves.
Jesus, You who loved to the point of giving Your life for us,
Teach me to follow You in this way of total love,
To love my brothers and sisters as You have loved them,
To recognise Your face in that of every person I meet,
To see in everyone a soul worthy of receiving love and respect.
Lord, help me to love in the little things,
In the daily gestures of care, kindness, and patience,
In humble and silent service,
In listening and understanding,
In forgiveness and reconciliation.
Help me to love without judging,
Without seeking to change the other,
But by welcoming everyone as they are,
With their strengths and weaknesses, their joys and sufferings,
As You welcome me in Your unconditional love.
Holy Spirit, breath of love and life,
Come and touch my heart,
Come and make it grow with the love that surpasses my human limits,
Fill me with Your light,
So that my love is not self-centred or self-serving,
But is a reflection of Your pure and infinite love.
Teach me to love in truth,
To speak the truth with love,
To be honest and sincere in my relationships,
To love without hypocrisy,
And to seek the good of the other above all else.
Lord, make me an instrument of Your love in this world,
A witness of Your tenderness and compassion,
A messenger of Your peace and forgiveness.
In a world often marked by selfishness, hatred and indifference,
Make me a light of love and brotherhood.
I entrust to You, Lord, all my relationships:
My family, my friends, my colleagues, and everyone I meet.
Help me to sow love wherever I go,
To offer a smile, a word of comfort, an attentive ear.
Help me to see the needs of others,
To be a support to those who suffer,
A refuge to those who are alone,
A source of comfort to those who are wounded.
Lord, I also entrust to You my weaknesses in love,
The times when I find it hard to love,
To forgive, to be patient.
Come and heal my heart of all that prevents it from loving fully,
Grudges, fears, wounds from the past.
Come and free my heart to love unreservedly,
Unconditionally, as You love me.
Mary, Mother of Love,
You who lived every moment of Your life in perfect love,
Teach me to love like You,
To give myself entirely to others,
To be a source of gentleness, peace and mercy.
I offer You my heart, Lord,
To be transformed by You,
To become a reflection of Your loving heart,
A heart full of generosity, kindness, and mercy.
Lord, thank You for the love You pour into me every day,
Thank You for Your inexhaustible love,
Thank You for the strength You give me to love,
Even when it seems difficult,
Even when love requires sacrifice or renunciation.
I love You, Lord,
And I ask You to help me to love ever more,
To love with a pure heart,
To love even those who are difficult to love,
For I know that in this love,
I give You glory and I live my Christian vocation to the full.
In this love I find peace,
In this love I find joy,
In this love I grow closer to You,
You who are Love forever.