Holy Sara,
Faithful protector of travellers and devotees,
You who watch over Gypsies and souls seeking refuge,
We invoke you with faith and devotion.
Day 1:
Saint Sara, you who watch over Gypsies and travellers, I entrust my travels and journeys to you. Protect me from the dangers of the road and guide me to paths of safety and peace.
Day 2:
Saint Sara, you are the protector of souls seeking refuge. Help me to find shelter in the difficult times of my life. Intercede for me with God and grant me the strength and courage to overcome trials.
Day 3:
Saint Sara, you who accompanied the Holy Marys in their mission of faith, inspire me to follow their example of dedication and service. Help me to respond to God's call with an open heart and to share his love generously.
Day 4:
Saint Sara, protector of children and families, watch over my loved ones and all those dear to me. Protect them from danger, illness and hardship and envelop them in your motherly tenderness.
Day 5:
Saint Sara, revered for your compassion and kindness, help me to cultivate these virtues in my daily life. Inspire me to reach out to those in need and to be an instrument of peace and reconciliation.
Day 6:
Saint Sara, source of hope and consolation, console me in my moments of sadness and despair. Renew my spirit and faith in God's goodness and help me to see his presence in every aspect of my life.
Day 7:
Saint Sara, powerful intercessor with God, I entrust my intentions and prayers to you. Pray for me that I may live a life of faith, hope and charity, in accord with God's will.
Day 8:
Saint Sara, model of fidelity and devotion, help me to deepen my relationship with God and to respond joyfully to his call in my life. Inspire me to be an authentic disciple of Jesus Christ and to radiate his light through my actions and words.
Day 9:
Saint Sara, protector and guide, I thank you for your intercession and your presence in my life. Continue to watch over me and guide me along the path of holiness, so that one day I may share in eternal joy in the kingdom of God.