The Black Madonna of Czestochowa,
You who have watched over the faithful for centuries
With your mysterious face and motherly presence,
We turn to you with love and trust,
Seeking your powerful intercession
From your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
You who have survived trials and dangers,
Protect us in our moments of weakness
And strengthen our faith in God's goodness and mercy.
Immaculate Virgin,
You who have witnessed so many miracles and graces,
Give us the grace to live a life of holiness,
To persevere in prayer and in fidelity to the Gospel.
Help us to bear our crosses with courage,
And guide us on the path of conversion and redemption,
That we may one day share eternal joy
With God our Father, with you and all the saints.
The Black Madonna of Cz?stochowa,
Pray for us and intercede for us,
That we may live in God's peace and grace
And attain the glory of eternal Paradise.