Saint Martin of Tours, pray for us,
That we may journey with faith,
Charity and dedication on the path of Christian life.
Day 1:
O Saint Martin of Tours, pathfinder of charity and pillar of faith, we turn to you with humility and devotion. Intercede for us with the Lord and guide us in our quest for authentic Christian living.
Day 2:
Charity: Saint Martin, you who shared your cloak with a beggar, inspire us to practise charity towards the most destitute and to recognise Christ in every person we meet.
Day 3:
Faith: O Saint Martin of Tours, model of unshakeable faith, strengthen our belief in God and the Gospel. Help us to deepen our relationship with the Lord and to live according to His teachings.
Day 4:
The Conversion: Saint Martin, you who changed your ways to follow Christ, guide us on our journey of conversion, so that we may reject sin and embrace the new life in Christ.
Day 5:
The Mission: O Saint Martin of Tours, zealous apostle of the Gospel, help us to be joyful witnesses to the Good News and to share the faith with those who seek the truth.
Day 6:
Humility: Saint Martin, model of humility and simplicity, teaches us to serve others with a humble heart, to renounce pride and to seek God's will in everything we do.
Day 7:
Prayer: O Saint Martin of Tours, man of prayer and contemplation, help us to cultivate a life of deep prayer, to listen to God's voice and to draw closer to Him each day.
Day 8:
Protection: Saint Martin, protector of souls and travellers, watch over us and protect us from physical and spiritual dangers. Keep us in peace and safety, under divine protection.
Day 9:
The Intercession of Saint Martin: O Glorious Saint Martin of Tours, you who intercede mightily with God for the needs of those who invoke you, pray for us. Ask the Lord to grant us the graces we need to faithfully follow the path of holiness.