Lord our God,
We give you thanks for the life and witness of Saint Martin of Tours,
Who shone as a beacon of charity, faith and devotion in his time.
Saint Martin of Tours,
You who demonstrated love of neighbour by sharing your cloak with a beggar,
And who dedicated your life to spreading the Christian faith,
Intercede for us with God.
Help us to live with generosity and compassion,
To recognise God's presence in every person we meet,
And to serve our neighbour with a humble and selfless heart.
Saint Martin of Tours,
You who have guided so many souls towards the light of faith,
Inspire us to be living witnesses to the Gospel
And to respond joyfully to the call of Christian mission.
Protect us in times of doubt and uncertainty,
And support us in our journey towards holiness and truth.
Saint Martin of Tours,
Patron of soldiers, horsemen and the destitute,
Intercede for us with God,
That we may walk with courage and determination
On the path of faith and charity.